The branch of technology that deals with the design, design, operation, operation, and application of robots is called robotics. A robot is a computer-controlled electro-mechanical mechanical system that can automatically perform human-like functions. It is built on the principle of artificial intelligence. Most of today's robots are inspired by the field of 'Bio Inspired Robotics'. Simply put, the most common aspects of robotics are science, engineering, and artificial intelligence. This technology makes computer-intelligent and computer-controlled robotic machines that are much more human in shape and more physically capable than many humans. The features that are a part of this handset are quite sophisticated, to say the least.
- Visual Perception
- Tactile Capabilities
- Dexterity in control and manipulation
- Ability to move physically or locomotion anywhere
- Intelligence or navigation to find one's way to a destination
The word robotics comes from the word ‘robot’ which was coined to be a play by Czech writer and playwright Karel Capk, published in 1920. The main thing about robotics is surrounding robots. A robot is a computer-controlled device or robot that can automatically perform many difficult human tasks.
Looking at the way it works, it seems that it has artificial intelligence inside. The word robot originally came from the Slavic word robota which means 'worker'. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term 'robotics' was first used in Isaac Asimov's short science fiction 'Liar' published in 1941. Interestingly, the three rules that Isaac Asimov laid out for the fictional robot in his story are that the robot will never be harmful to humans, the robot will obey all human instructions without breaking the 1st rule, and the robot will protect itself without breaking the 1st and 2nd rules. ; Of modern robots. For these 3 basic formulas are used.
The first real robot to emerge from the pages of science fiction was created by the American inventor George Charles Devol. The first industrial robot he made in 1950 was called Unimet. But the project was initiated by another American, Joseph Frederick Engelbergs. Although he did not contribute to the technicalities of robotics, and the patent for the industrial robot was named after Charles Devl, Engelberg is credited with being the father of robotics. Robots do not have to be human-like instruments. A robot is a device that will never completely or partially mimic humans; Sometimes in appearance, sometimes through work, sometimes in two ways. However, it is tied to the program in such a way that it can be tied to the new as needed. Normally a machine can work automatically but it is not called a robot.
It can be termed as an Intelligent System. A mechanical system will become a robot only when it combines mobility, motion, sensing and intelligence. Today, robotics is a fast growing field. With technological advances, research, design and innovation Robots can be used for a variety of practical purposes, be it domestic, commercial or military, some can be programmed and some can be remotely controlled by laser beams or radio signals. Robots assist surgeons in a variety of complex operations, such as in factories, in hazardous explosive ordnance disposal, in industrial hard work, in important management, in safety, in many household chores, and in complex medical operations.
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